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Thick Face, Black Heart (By Chin-Ning Chu)

Thick Face, Black Heart (By Chin-Ning Chu)

An unusual book with a counter intuitive message
This book may not appeal to all, but there are few good take away points if you read with an open mind.

This is first book I read written by an Asian author and had no expectations when reading the book. The book’s title appears to give a hard message and the content inside may look counter intuitive to conventional thought process. It’s a very readable book and there are some positive take away messages peppered through out the book.

The whole premise of the book is that we should be steadfast in our goals and not let emotions weaken our purpose. The chapter on ‘Law of dharma’ is particularly well written providing clarity on what is right and what is wrong, when some of our actions involve a moral dilemma.

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Sairam Narayan

Sairam N is the founder of Heart Pepper. After a long stint in the Corporate world, he pursued creative entrepreneurial tech ventures ranging from health-care to education. Being an avid consumer of motivational content over the years, he felt the urge to start Heart Pepper as a platform to share inspirational & motivational content and help see life's challenges in a positive perspective, tapping into the teachings and wisdom of the greatest teachers on this planet and presenting them in creative ways.

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