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Power of Intention (By Wayne Dyer)

Power of Intention (By Wayne Dyer)

Defining a new way to co-create our future
A classic book of Wayne Dyer written with authority and conviction. Will appeal only for serious readers.

This is an interesting book that gives a new perspective to the word ‘Intention’. Dr. Wayne Dyer positions ‘Intention’ as a ‘force in the universe’ rather than as ‘something we do’ as we normally understand the word ‘Intention. The entire book deals with the idea that there is a force in the Universe that helps desirable outcomes to be manifested based on how we process our thoughts and how we act with a positive sense of already having whatever we need in life. It’s a cocktail of ideas blended with law of attraction presented in a refreshingly new way.
Watch an inspirational lecture by Wayne Dyer on the power of Intention.

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Sairam Narayan

Sairam N is the founder of Heart Pepper. After a long stint in the Corporate world, he pursued creative entrepreneurial tech ventures ranging from health-care to education. Being an avid consumer of motivational content over the years, he felt the urge to start Heart Pepper as a platform to share inspirational & motivational content and help see life's challenges in a positive perspective, tapping into the teachings and wisdom of the greatest teachers on this planet and presenting them in creative ways.

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